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Changing Lives | Creating Futures
Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes

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Opal Project

The Opal Project supports children and young people aged 10-18 years old who have issues around self-harm. Young people can engage in risky behaviours for many different reasons, and we aim to help them reduce this by working on developing their resilience and improving self-esteem. The Opal Project can work with  young people in either a one-to-one format or via groupwork sessions. During these sessions young people can learn alternative coping strategies, and work on reducing their anxiety and increasing their confidence. 


Wellbeing Drop-in

Every Wednesday we run a mental health and wellbeing drop-in at Chapter House for those aged 8-18 years. If you're in need of a chat or some support come along and talk to us. 4.30-6.30pm.

for more information please contact Katie Byrne on 07850 916600 or 

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